
Your Ultimate Plant-Based Protein Cheat Sheet

Who knew that having two smoothies per day could bring so many health benefits?! And in ONLY 21 DAYS!! 🙌⁣⁣So, how does it work? Check the link and take the ➡️ “21 smoothie diet challenge”. Whether you’re new to a plant-based lifestyle or simply looking to up your protein intake, […]

Avocado excess: : A Creative Way to Use Ripe Avocados

Our CSA box contained 9 VERY ripe avocados with the admonition, “use right away.” Yikes! Okay. I love avocados and was anxious to follow our farmer’s directive immediately. It’s so unusual to acquire avocados that are already ripe. It was early in the morning and I hadn’t had breakfast yet […]

Aaron’s Ultimate Grilled Tofu Sandwich

Who knew that having two smoothies per day could bring so many health benefits?! And in ONLY 21 DAYS!! 🙌⁣⁣So, how does it work? Check the link and take the ➡️ “21 smoothie diet challenge”. When we ate at our son Aaron’s apartment recently, to go with spinach salad and roasted green beans, he […]

Top Vegan Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Who knew that having two smoothies per day could bring so many health benefits?! And in ONLY 21 DAYS!! 🙌⁣⁣So, how does it work? Check the link and take the ➡️ “21 smoothie diet challenge” If you’re following a plant-based diet and worried about missing out on Omega-3 fatty acids, […]

Exploring Vegan Vitamin-D Sources

Who knew that having two smoothies per day could bring so many health benefits?! And in ONLY 21 DAYS!! 🙌⁣⁣So, how does it work? Check the link and take the ➡️ “21 smoothie diet challenge” Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that supports bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. […]

Exploring Vegan Vitamin D Sources

Who knew that having two smoothies per day could bring so many health benefits?! And in ONLY 21 DAYS!! 🙌⁣⁣So, how does it work? Check the link and take the ➡️ “21 smoothie diet challenge” Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that supports bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. […]

Exploring Vegan Vitamin D Sources

Who knew that having two smoothies per day could bring so many health benefits?! And in ONLY 21 DAYS!! 🙌⁣⁣So, how does it work? Check the link and take the ➡️ “21 smoothie diet challenge” Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that supports bone health, immune function, and overall well-being. […]