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Soups, vegan

Crock pot soup — no oil, big taste

In my last post I mentioned I took the ferry to Port Townsend to attend a meeting of the Port Townsend Vegan Meetup Group, because they were hosting a talk by Dr. Michael Klaper. I’ve never heard Dr. Klaper speak before, and was, in fact, unfamiliar with his work other […]

Main, vegan

Shojin Japanese cooking class

Who knew that having two smoothies per day could bring so many health benefits?! And in ONLY 21 DAYS!! 🙌⁣⁣So, how does it work? Check the link and take the ➡️ “21 smoothie diet challenge” On Monday night my husband and I attended a Shojin Japanese Cuisine cooking class at […]

Diet, vegan

Purple cauliflower soup

Who knew that having two smoothies per day could bring so many health benefits?! And in ONLY 21 DAYS!! 🙌⁣⁣So, how does it work? Check the link and take the ➡️ “21 smoothie diet challenge” Fall weather always makes me crave creamy soups. Maybe it’s because they’re so comforting and […]