Good mood foods!

What you eat can have a powerful impact on how you feel. From boosting energy to lifting your spirits, certain foods are known to enhance mood and promote overall well-being. In this article, we’ll explore a variety of delicious, plant-based options that not only nourish your body but also help keep your mood in check. Discover the best foods to fuel happiness and make every day a little brighter!


Low levels of magnesium are associated with fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Research shows that adults and children, don’t get enough magnesium and that this may be linked to increasing rates of mood and mental health problems. Great sources are dark leafy greens, avocado, cocoa, black beans, and pumpkin seeds.

B Vitamins

Especially B12 (beef, tuna, salmon, nutritional yeast), Folate (spinach, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, avocado), and B6 (liver, fish, salmon, chickpeas, beans, potatoes). Vitamin B12 and folate are both needed for the production of norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine.

Complex Carbs

Carbohydrates support serotinin production. Research shows that balanced diets with sufficient complex carbohydrates improved mood and cognition and people were calmer and less anxious

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is as vital for mental health as it’s essential for physical health. There is sufficient research to show that not having enough of the vitamin can lead to depression-like symptoms. The sun is the best source but you can find it in foods like fatty fish, egg yolk, dairy products, and certain mushrooms.

Healthy Fats

The human brain is nearly 60 percent fat. We’ve learned in recent years that fatty acids are among the most crucial molecules that determine your brain’s integrity and ability to perform. Eat more fatty low mercury fish, nuts and seeds, extra virgin olive oil.

Probiotics + Prebiotics

Healthy Fats The human brain is nearly 60 percent fat. We’ve learned in recent years that fatty acids are among the most crucial molecules that determine your brain’s integrity and ability to perform. Eat more fatty low mercury fish, nuts and seeds, extra virgin olive oil.

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